May 23rd turned out to be a good day. A trip with John Sinclair and Raymond Wiley to the famous Temporary Autonomous Zone, or even Permanent Autonmous Zone that is Ruigoord. And the fiery tongues festival
A feasty feastival of Fiery tongues, poets from across the globe congressed in a small wooden house, a kind of comfortable front living room setting, with an inviting air of calm and an attentive 'listening' audience of fellow artists, shamans and wordsmiths.
I felt my ears buzzing throughout each performance. I used my Zoom' recorder and Casio camera to 'capture' some of the mind warming poets. I especially enjoyed the intimate setting, relaxed, open, light, friendly; that further resonated with the messages of bards, diverse and unpredictable, soft and sweet and often loud and searing sheets of nowness. I thought, after hearing them, 'live' unleashing fierey tongue fu' flames of cool.
SALON14.00 uur Engelstalige dichters, met Jim Christy (Canada), Robert Priest (Can), Jordan Zinovich (Can),
Eddie Woods (VS), Baden Prince jr. (GB), John Sinclair (VS), Ted Jackson (VS), Kain the Poet (VS)
Presentatie: Hans Plomp.
Eddie Woods (VS), Baden Prince jr. (GB), John Sinclair (VS), Ted Jackson (VS), Kain the Poet (VS)
Presentatie: Hans Plomp.
Fiery Tongues poetry festival at Ruigoord.
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