"What I do is set my poems to music and perform them with musical accompaniment. My band concentrates on my blues and R&B works, but I have an entire jazz playbook as well, including pieces from HOMAGE TO JOHN COLTRANE and THELONIOUS: A BOOK OF MONK. The latter consists of poems written to music composed and performed by Monk, and I require that the appropriate music be played with the poems. What I mean is, each poem goes with a certain piece of music played by Thelonious Monk, and is not in its correct context unless that music is playing with the verse." John Sinclairtalking to Jim Sherry in 1999.
Thanks to: http://howardm.net/tsmonk/sinclair.php
Please visit radiofreeamsterdam to hear Monk & John.
Thanks to: http://howardm.net/tsmonk/sinclair.php
Please visit radiofreeamsterdam to hear Monk & John.
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