Thursday, December 9, 2010

James Semark: Galactic Mind Forever, R.I.P.

James Semark: Galactic Mind Forever, R.I.P.
by Cary Loren.

“On one hand, we experience the collapse of an economy built by people who put self-interest first, and on the other, we discover an economy of consciousness shaped by people who put the planet first – and themselves in it.” -James Semark

James Semark passed away sometime this week due to complications from an allergic reaction to antibiotics. He was alone at home, his body found by the Ferndale police several days after he died.
James Semark was a poet, musician/composer,  cosmic communicator, organizer and creative spirit from the Detroit area. His interests were diverse; from meditation and macrobiotics to technology, green-economics, jazz, urban renewal and theosophy.

James pioneered a type of early proto-rap form that he called the rhythm ballads. These late 50s and early 60s compositions were “investigative verse” works; long tripped-out epic poems set to music that undertook the study and description of  jazz legends John Coltrane, Charlie Parker and even a judgment day “jazz-poem in heaven” of Edmund Zwingy, an imaginary be-bop star. He began to put the ballads to syncopated sound beats around 1964,  inspired by a jazz drummer that practiced in a basement room next to his own, in the John Lodge Artist Workshop “Castle”.


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