John Sinclair + The Founder Effect (live video and interview)

John Sinclair & The Founder Effect.

(Spiegeltent, Canary Wharf, London. 17/09/14)

Sinclair/ Wilkinson / Thomas / Noble / Coxon

       Independence in music, independence and music, independence and culture? drifting aboot my mind, reboot reboot. What is going on? oh, oh yeah. Yeah, damn. Yes. John Sinclair and The Founder Effect are on stage, and off the chain, each exploring the interdependence and interdependence of the moment. Maybe, you might think John be chained to his poems, but no, the delivery of each word takes on a new freshness, got at in a different way, now the other, delicate sincere and unique spheres of thought, following the breath, working the heart, tilting back the head and singing the matter out. Out, out there in the room, out with the music, in the bardic tradition, words charged up with energy and meaning to the highest possible degree. Poems, and freshly squeezed audio environments bonded in air, in ear, to the source. The effect.

       What they feel, what they do not yet know but intuit just around the corner, feelings for each other expressed in sonic packets, primal elements in collision, multiverse in verse, music to commune with the poet and with the muse. The ancestors in the music. Sound and rhythm and unique energy pouring out in all directions. Trinkle Tinkle. A microcosmos of electric signals bouncing into wooden drums, along brass tubes and down wires into ears and heads, hearts and feet, even the toenail gets a piece of this immersive wave of sound.

       Mystical music, trans-love-formative music, music that rips holes through spacetime and jumps in and out of future past plays, chord shadows, traces of unreleased songs from lost albums, imaginary tours by bands that only ever played for 2 seconds, but played over 200 shows. Multi-dimensional art working on many levels simultaneously. This is the shit, the live model of independence and intelligence, performance by example. Freedom. Expression, precision and virtuosity. What its all about, independence from the squares, freedom from the predictable left overs of an imperialist empire, the soundtrack to September 17th, 2014.

       Blow by blow, note by note, word by word, taking the chaos and confusion of modern life, and the latest models of the sub-atomic world, political substructure and the neuro-psychological cyclone, and delivering a new order, and pulling it apart again. Nothing to clutch in life, nothing to fear in death. Yes, push on and inn deeper, charge and charge until the bandstand becomes a radioactive fallout zone, the music moving through human bodies like radiation, the barrier of the flesh transcended, the music seeps into the bloodstream, the vital organs and bones, cooking the mind from the inside to a high temperature, to become flexible and malleable, to take the tale on board, to bake the poem just right.

       These are not harmful radioactive energies, no, but helpful life-energies, in fact, independent and improvisational music to create new mental pathways, or spaceways upon which John and the Founder Effect travel to distant places, those ears of yours are all you need, just get on board.

--Steve Fly
John Sinclair + The Founder Effect - Spiegeltent, Canary Wharf, London 17th Sept
John Sinclair Interview - Spiegeltent, Canary Wharf, London 17th Sept

